First Quarter Stats

With the first quarter of 2013 down, I’m off to my typical slow start.
6 rides in total, 139 miles with approximately 12,700′ of climbing.
Having psoriatic arthritis and a degrading disc issue with my back, I’m not one for riding in the cold/damp weather. Usually I start to ramp up my seat time in April. So I am now looking forward to better, warmer weather and hitting the road at least 3 times a week.

Date Distance Time Ele. Gain
March 2013 103.0 mi 07:51:5 +9,295 ft
February 2013

January 2013 36.4 mi 02:40:11 +3,537 ft

My goals for this year include; a minimum of 3100 miles (2950 in ’12), with at least 225,000′ of ascent (218,600 in ’12) and compete in 2 or 3 events. Conquer a few of the bigger climbs such as Fiddlers Elbow, Iron Bridge and Breakneck roads. I have ridden most all of the big climbs in Morris,
Somerset and Hunterdon Counties, but have yet to ascend any of the major climbs in Sussex…